Not all Instagram likes are created equal. Sure, you can buy them for quick results. But if you want to increase your likes organically, then you need to take a considered approach.

Organic likes, after all, often mean that people are actually engaging with your content; if your followers genuinely like what they see, they’ll give it their stamp of approval through a like. That’s why in this article, we’ll be discussing 7 key strategies to help increase your Instagram likes organically.

These strategies range from optimizing content for maximum audience reach to collaborating with influencers and more—there’s something here for everyone! Let’s take a look at the seven strategies you can use to increase your Instagram likes organically today.

Optimizing With the Right Hashtags

Using the right hashtags is one of the most important strategies you can use to grow your reach on Instagram and increase engagement. However, even the most popular hashtags on Instagram won’t get you far unless you use them correctly.

What does this mean? Well, it’s all about using the right hashtags in the right places—that means in your posts as well as in Stories, captions and comments. And also paying attention to not just which ones you use, but how many.

To find relevant hashtags for your post, first take a look at what the influencers in your niche or industry are using. Then type some of those into Instagram’s search bar to find related terms with less competition. By adding five to ten relevant and niche-specific hashtags to each of your posts, you can increase your likes and followers organically over time.

Utilize User Generated Content

Using User Generated Content (UGC) is a great way to organically increase the likes on your Instagram page. Not only does UGC make your page look more authentic and approachable, but it also helps to share the wealth among your followers. It doesn’t just have to be content from other users you know either—you can go out and find content that looks good and fits in with your own esthetic.

Here are a few ways to effectively use UGC:

  • Ask your followers to submit photos with designated hashtags
  • Include a ‘Regram’ of some content shared by users in your own posts
  • Follow related hashtags and share content you find that could fit into your own feed

If done correctly, UGC can help build relationships and connect you with new audiences. Encouraging others to use your branded hashtag is a great way to get more engagement, as well as building a curated archive of user generated images for future use. Not only will people like being acknowledged for their contribution, but it’ll also help you create meaningful relationships with other users!

Partner With Influencers

Partnering with influencers is a great way to get more followers, and in turn, more likes on your Instagram content. Working with influencers who have a similar style of content and target audience as you can be a great way to extend your reach organically.

Identify influencers that match your brand

You’ll want to seek out influencers that have engaged audiences and create content similar to yours. Take some time to research potential influencers that have at least 10K followers, as those typically have the most influential reach. You should not compromise quality for quantity when it comes to picking out the right partner for your brand—even if they don’t have the most followers but provide value and are a better fit for your message, go with them!

Reach out with a strategy

Once you’ve identified potential influencers, you can reach out and let them know why partnering together would be beneficial for both of you. Make sure you come up with an effective proposal and detail what kind of partnership you’re looking for—such as having them post photos/videos of your product or having them write captions about it—as well as what kind of incentive plan you can offer in return. This incentive could include free products, discounts or free services.

By extending your reach through collaboration and teaming up with influencers who align with your brand mission, you can increase the amount of likes on each photo while boosting overall awareness of your company’s social media presence organically.

Buy Real Instagram Likes from Trusted Vendors

If you want to increase your Instagram likes quickly and organically, it’s a good idea to buy real Instagram likes from trusted vendors. This can help you boost engagement without risking getting your account banned for using fake likes.

When buying real Instagram likes, look for vendors that offer the following:

  • Likes from real accounts
  • Likes from accounts in your target audience
  • Fast delivery times
  • Affordable pricing with no long-term contracts or commitments
  • 24/7 customer support

Buying real Instagram likes will give you an immediate boost in followers and engagement, helping you reach more people with your content and creating a snowball effect as other users see how popular you are and start liking your posts as well. Mixx is the most suitable vendor to buy organic Instagram likes at incredibly low prices!

Post at the Right Time of Day

You may have heard that time is everything when it comes to social media – and that’s especially true for Instagram. The timing of your post really does matter! Certain times of the day are more likely to generate more engagement for you.

Find your ideal time

Figuring out the right time to post will take some experimentation, but you can get started by looking at your Insights to see when your followers are most active. This will give you an idea of what times of day people are most likely to see your posts, like and comment on them. You can also use a scheduling platform like Hootsuite to plan out your posts in advance and schedule them to go live during peak times of day.

Utilize hashtags

Hashtags can be a great way to get more eyes on your posts, as long as you’re using the right ones. It’s important to research hashtags that are relevant to your niche so that you’re targeting the right people instead of just randomly tagging anything and everything with no strategy behind it. For example, if you run a travel blog, then use hashtags like #travelblogger or #traveldiaries – these kinds of specific tags can help you reach the right people who might be interested in liking and commenting on your content.

Incorporate storytelling in your posts

Storytelling is a powerful tool you can use to engage your audience and increase your Instagram likes. Whether it’s an inspiring personal story or something more anecdotal, adding a narrative arc to your posts is a great way to capture attention.

Start by thinking about the story you want to tell. Get creative with it – come up with funny stories, showcase behind-the-scenes moments, share customer stories, or even make up fantastical tales! Use captivating visuals (photos, graphics, videos) to bring the story to life and be sure to include a call-to-action at the end of the post that encourages people to engage with it.

Incorporating storytelling into your Instagram posts will give them an emotional boost and make them more memorable. You can also easily repurpose this content for other platforms like YouTube and Facebook or create longer form pieces using it! Finally, if you tag relevant people or brands in your stories, there’s a good chance that they’ll share it with their own networks – giving you even more likes!

Leverage Your Existing Followers

You may not have realized this, but your existing followers can be one of your most valuable assets when it comes to growing your Instagram following. They are already interested in your content and are likely to help you spread the word about your posts.

To leverage your existing followers, there are a few strategies you can employ:

Ask for shares

If you have a post that you’re especially proud of, don’t be afraid to ask your followers to share it with their networks. Everyone loves feeling appreciated and they will be more than happy to comply if you provide them with an easy way to do so.

Encourage engagement

Interaction is key on social media and encouraging user engagement is a great way to increase reach as well as likes. If someone comments on one of your posts, reply back and ask them questions, or initiate conversations around a related topic. This will give people the sense that they are being heard by you and make them more likely to engage further with the post or future posts.

Follow others

Following others who align with our brand is another great way to increase reach organically. Whether it’s other influencers in the same market or even other accounts who share the same values as yours, this type of follow-back strategy can help get our content seen by larger audiences.

Analyze Performance to Optimize Results

Did you know one of the best ways to increase your Instagram likes organically is to analyze the performance of your posts? That’s right—knowing what works and what doesn’t work can be the key to unlocking more engagement.

Review your engagement

Take a look at your posts and make note of which ones are taking off and which ones are not. For instance, if your top posts show high engagement, that’s a clear indication that you should be creating more content around similar topics. If low engagement posts don’t do too well, it might be a sign that you have to revise or remove them.

Monitor performance

Once you have identified which types of content your audience likes, it’s time to start tracking their performance over time. Do this by looking at metrics like reach, impressions, likes, and comments for each post. This data will help you get an understanding of how your content is performing and how it can be improved.

By analyzing the performance of different types of content, tracking how they perform over time and adjusting your strategies accordingly, you can increase Instagram likes organically without spending any money on ads. As long as you stay on top of your performance and adapt quickly to changes in user behavior, you’ll be sure to see increased engagement in no time.

Ask questions and invite interaction

Asking questions and inviting interaction on your posts is also a great way to increase your Instagram likes organically. Questions can spark conversations, which can help you engage with your followers and get more likes from them. You can ask questions about your products or services, or even ask something more general such as “what’s your favorite thing about this post?” This will encourage conversations, which in turn will lead to more likes for your posts.

In addition to asking questions, you can also invite people to interact with other posts on your page. This is often called a “call to action” which encourages people to like and comment. You could also encourage people to share or tag a friend, which will help you reach a wider audience and get more organic likes on Instagram.

So don’t forget—asking questions and inviting interactions are great strategies for increasing your organic Instagram likes. Your fans will appreciate it and it could lead to more engagement and exposure for your brand.


When it comes to boosting your Instagram likes and engagement, there are no silver bullets. Consistency and patience are key, and it’s important to experiment with different strategies to see what works best for you. With the right combination of techniques and tactics, you can increase your Instagram likes organically and gain more followers in the process.

Ultimately, the most important thing you can do is to focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience and builds relationships with them. When your followers feel connected to you and your posts, your engagement will naturally rise over time. With the right strategy and focus on creating meaningful content, you can create an organic and organic following on Instagram.