Unicode is an international standard for character encoding. It supplies a number to any written character, symbol, letter, or emoji. It encodes the written text in multiple world writing system. The three different types of it are most prevailing. These are UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. This topic is about the Unicode version 11.0.
This version was released on June 5, 2018. The Unicode version 11.0 contains a total of 137,374 characters in total out of which 684 characters are additional. This version includes 149 scripts in total. 7 new scripts are added in this version along with 66 emoji characters.
The new scripts and characters added in this version adds support for lesser-used and rare languages used in the world. The new characters and scripts added in this version are as follows:
- Dogra script is added in this version. It was historically used to write Dogra in South Asia.
- Gunjala Gondi script is used to write the dialect of the Gondi language in South Asia.
- Hanifi Rohingya script is used to write the Rohingya language in Southeast Asia.
- Georgian Mtravuli capital letters are a new addition to this version. They are added to support the modern casing practices.
- The Sogdian script is used to write historic languages in the seventh to fourteenth centuries in Central Asia.
- The old Sogdian script was used to write historic sodian in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries.
- The Makasar script is used to write historic Makasar in Indonesia.
- Medefaidrin script is used for modern liturgical purposes in south Asia.
Following are additional symbols and emoji characters included in this version:
- This Unicode version adds 66 new emoji characters. 4 of the new emoji characters are components for hair color.
- It also adds a copyleft symbol
- Half stars for rating systems
- Xiangqi Chinese chess symbols are also added in version 11.0.
- There are also additional astrological symbols
Support for unique written and less-used languages in the world include:
- Support for Mazahua language. It is a Mesoamerican language that is recognized by the law in Mexico.
- Mayan numerals. These numerals were used in printed material in Central America.
- Gurumukhi manuscripts
- Sanskrit manuscripts that are written in Bengali
- Historic documents of the Barguzin steppe
Version 11.0 is synchronized with ISO/IEC. The new emojis that are added in this version include a llama, partying face, kangaroo, softball, parrot, lobster, and many more. The Unicode 11.0 contains 684 new code points.

Advantages and disadvantages in Unicode version 11.0
Following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Unicode version 11.0:
The Unicode version 11.0 comes with a lot of advantages. And the count of its disadvantages is very less. Version 11.0 features many updates with several changes over version 10.0. It features more number of rare and unique scripts used in the world. The addition of new symbols and emoji characters is also a big advantage to this version. 4 of the new emoji characters include hair components. You can use it to customize the hair color of your emoji. This version also supports the copyleft symbol, which is a new addition in Unicode versions.
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